So I am terrible at keeping my blog up to date. We have been busy this summer with a wide variety of things. Kids have had ear infections, allergic reactions to be stings, and walking pneumonia. Needless to say we have spent a lot of time at the doctors office. Our last trip got us taken in a back entrance with lovely masks over our faces for fear that we had swine flu. It was pretty interesting trying to keep a mask on a 6 year who is dead set against having it on.
We have also gone bike riding several times with Grandpa Hunter. Grandpa also took us to Pittsburgh to watch Aunt Suey in a curling match and to Olive Garden afterwords for dinner. We have also gone swimming a lot in Pappy and Grandma Drennen's pool. It is so very nice to have fami
ly with a swimming pool. With the lovely cool weather we have also been making lots of trips to the library as it is not warm enough to swim. We are having fun needless to say.
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