Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tyler Haircut

Well Tyler finally got a long needed haircut. He really does have eyes under all that hair. Very pretty ones too. My neck was really starting to hurt from watching him jerk his head to the side to get the hair out of his eyes. I am not looking forward to the teenage years, I already had the wailing and gnashing of teeth just over a haircut. Will thinks that we had enough hair to donate to locks of love. It was not that long though.
In other news I finally started to put photos for Kelsie into a photo album. I am running a little behind. Alright so she is almost 9 and I just put her baby pictures in a album. I have been busy.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I am the same way- I have 3 boys...the oldest is 9 1/2 and I don't have even one picture in an album...I have the albums and the scrapbooking stuff...but not one photo....sad...but too busy! I like blogging better! :)



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